Qld corrupt cop Detective Superintendent Brian Hay makes Kevin Rudd's crimes GLOBAL
Queensland Police in the person of Detective Superintendent Brian Hay, of the Queensland Police's Fraud and Corporate Crime Group, has been so eager to close down my website, he has taken this entreprise of the Criminal Regime of Kevin Rudd and the 'Association of labor Lawyers', to the INTERNATIONAL LEVEL. He has acted criminally by requesting Google to censor some of their search results. As seen on the page exposing the Corruption by Kevin RUDD, the Association of labor Lawyers, and other labor corruption in the Queensland labor Government and Qld Public Service., the censorship is to do with the 'Association of labor Lawyers' Judge Julie Dick and her criminal husband and ex member of 'Association of labor Lawyers' the struck off solicitor as DECEITFUL, DISHONEST AND DISHONOURABLE, Terence Joseph Mellifont. That censorship is to protect the widespread corruption emanating from the Association of labor Lawyers encompassing the Criminal Regime of Kevin Rudd. CLICK on this image below to view the GOOGLE CENSORSHIP they have caused.
This Brian Hay is apparently pretty dumb, but what were his alternatives? We do not know if he was aware of what he was doing, but this corrupt cop has brought his and the Australian labor government's CORRUPTION TO WORLD ATTENTION. He has taken this CRIMINAL ENTREPRISE of which he is a part, as well as KEVIN RUDD, INTO THE INTERNATIONAL ARENA. He has required Google to act on CRIMINAL BASIS. Because this crosses state lines in the US, the Federal Bureau of Investigation [FBI], is activated. As well, since the US is dealing at US President level with Kevin Rudd, this KEVIN RUDD CORRUPTION, could have very serious SECURITY IMPLICATIONS FOR THE US. Hence, the US Central Intelligence Agency [CIA] will also be activated.
US citizens will undoubtedly require to know what is being done about this potential threat to their personal security. It is likely to affect every US citizen.
Because THE CORRUPT Kevin Rudd is wanting to impress the world and many leaders of countries of the world, we could expect citizens of many other countries to be corresponding to their elected Government member over the security implications for their own country.