'Members' of the Corrupt Association of labor Lawyers

The corrupt Australian labor Party of the corrupt Kevin Rudd has gained power in Queensland and Australia over the years, due to labor inspired fraud, graft and corruption. The Queensland police by the actions of Detective Superintendent Brian Hay, of the Queensland Police's Fraud and Corporate Crime Group, has escalated their corruption Internationally by making CRIMINAL REPRESENTATIONS TO GOOGLE. Because the Security of theUnited States of America could be jeopardized by the actions of Kevin Rudd, this escalation of the corruption will necessarily involve the CIA [Central Intelligence Agency] and the FBI [Federal Bureau of Investigation].

'Members' of the Corrupt Association of labor Lawyers

Postby russellm » Thu Dec 25, 2008 9:53 am

Identity/Names of some of the 'members' of the Corrupt Association of labor Lawyers. Many are provably corrupt. I suspect the majority of the rest are corrupt.

Jeffrey Ernest John Spender, [He has 'pontificated' over the corruption from his 'throne' of 'Justice' of the Federal Court of Australia.]; his good 'mate', the multiple perjuring and struck off solicitor, criminal SP bookie, Terence Joseph Mellifont, Mellifont's wife District Court Judge Julie Maree Dick, Quentin Bryce [Quentin Alice Louise Bryce], Wayne Goss [Kevin Rudd was Goss'es Chief of Staff, when Goss criminally destroyed the 'Heiner Documents', and thwarted the criminal prosecution of Terence Joseph Mellifont for Perjury to protect corrupt police that Mellifont was paying to protect his criminal operation Chief District Court Judge Patsy Wolfe [Patsy Mary Wolfe, Patricia Mary Wolfe], Margaret White, Dr Michael White, Clare Endicott, Peter Roney. This list will grow as we add many more, mostly corrupt labor criminals to this list.

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Russell G H Mathews BCom BSc LLB BA
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