OPEN LETTER to Google: regarding your CRIME of CONSPIRCY with Australian ORGANIZED CRIME
Google, you have been CRIMINALLY DUPED by the CORRUPT Queensland Police in the person of Detective Superintendent Brian Hay, of the Queensland Police's Fraud and Corporate Crime Group. He is engaged in fraud himself; fraud of the Australian people, you and me. CLICK HERE or on any of the images to see the FULL STORY of how Google CENSORSHIP is protecting CRIMINALS. [url=]
CLICK HERE or on any of the images to see the FULL STORY of how Google CENSORSHIP is protecting CRIMINALS.
The fraud is politically centred, in particular the Australian labor party, stretches back over 30 years and involves the present Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, in a pivotal position.[/url] Your involvement has made the FRAUD INTERNATIONAL, in particular, a crime of the United States, and thus involves the CIA [Central Intelligence Agency] and FBI [Federal Bureau of Investigation]. This has security implications for the USA, because the USA has relations with Australia involving imparting confidential information. Without seeming too maladramatic, the present Australian labor government and the Queensland labor government have effectively conscripted, by graft and corruption, the Australian Federal Police and the Queensland Police Service to be the military arm of the Australian labor party.
You have accepted their evil assertions and acted upon it to censor results of Google searches. You are using you undoubted power to secretly support evil corruption in a Foreigh Country. Because of the power you have, YOU ALSO HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO ACT LEGALLY AND EQUITABLY.
Detective Superintendent Brian Hay, of the Queensland Police's Fraud and Corporate Crime Group is engaged in protecting politically motivated corruption that has existed and grown in Australia for over 34 years.
If you are not yourselves evil, then you have been very careless in your actions. Since you have supported this evil and corruption, you should use your power to expose this evil, if you wish to be seen as not evil yourself.
You are using your power to censor Search Results on the terms <Terence Joseph Mellifont> and <Julie Maree Dick>. I refer you to my coverage of these at Links to most of our articles on the Terence Joseph Mellifont parasite and The Qld labor government promoted the wife of Mellifont, one Julie Dick to be a judge of the District Court in Qld. Mellifont is a long term criminal. He is a permanently struck off solicitor/attorney. Julie Maree Dick is his common law wife and mother to five of his children. Terry Mellifont's prime motivation in this world seems to be gaining advantage for the Australian labor Party, and his finding that criminal conduct brings the major rewards. It seems he is rewarded by having his wife appointed to be a Judge on the District Court of Queensland by the present labor government. There is cogent evidence that Judge Julie Maree Dick is involved in ELECTORAL FRAUD, whether wittingly or unwittingly. That is the main file that the corrupt cop, Detective Superintendent Brian Hay, from the Queensland Police Service Computer Crimes Investigation Unit wanted taken down. AUSTRALIAN ORGANISED CRIME HAS NOW ENTERED THE US of AMERICA.
Detective Superintendent Brian Hay is continuing the labor party political corruption and protection of that labor party political corruption that has existed in Queensland for over 34 years. The Supreme Court of Queensland has found that Mellifont perjured himself under oath to the Statutory Committee of the Law Society of Queensland when he was a solicitor in the 1970's, to attempt to escape detection of his criminal conduct. In particular see ‘WAITING IN THE WINGS’: THE SUSPENSION OF QUEENSLAND LAWYERS, He was struck off as a solicitor in 1980. Mellifont went into illegal gaming paying corrupt labor cops protection money. He perjured himself in regard to his corrupt association with Queensland Police to the Fiitzgerald Inquiry in Queensland in 1988. He was being prosecuted for his perjury to the Fitzgerald Inquiry when the corrupt Goss labor government came to power. That corrupt Goss labor government promptly discontinued that prosecution of their criminal labor mate. The Corrupt Goss labor cabinet also committed the crime of destroying the Heiner documents to protect their paedophile labor mate. The present Prime Minister of Australia Kevin Rudd, was the 'Chief of Staff' of the corrupt Goss Cabinet during both of these nefarious criminal acts. Is it any wonder that the Wife of Kevin Rudd, Therese Rein, [see ... 21,00.html ], is now a multi-millionaire.