For Ron Branson, Dave all @ Jail4Judges & FloridaJail4Judges

This is the US segment or STRATA of the SELF HELP JUSTICE site and Bulletin Board. Together with the Dob in a Shonk Bulletin Board - US Segment on the Shonks and Shysters Exposed website, and the Rate US JUdges website, it comprises the HEART of the Global Internet Self Help JUSTICE NETWORK (US Strata).

For Ron Branson, Dave all @ Jail4Judges & FloridaJail4Judges

Postby russellm » Tue Dec 30, 2008 4:52 am

G'day Ron Branson, Dave and All at Jail4Judges and FloridaJail4Judges,

Seasons Greetings.

Google imports AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION into the US. I think you will appreciate just how significant and momentus this is. I will direct you to all the DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE in the text below.

I think this development may be of interest to you and your members, because Google in the US has imported Australian crime, and acted upon it.

OPEN LETTER to Google: regarding your CRIME of CONSPIRCY with Australian ORGANIZED CRIME

The following image is just a little of the evidence. Click on it to see much more. There is much more text and hyperlinks below it. If you are interested, you can replicate much of it.
This development involves CORRUPTION IN THE AUSTRALIAN JUDICIARY. In Australia, it isn't just the judiciary that is, in the main, corrupt, but rather the whole government, because one of the two major political parties, [the party of the present Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, and, we have the evidence that he is closely connected in many ways to this corruption]. Kevin Rudd's political party has, over recent decades, been the predominant party in power all around Australia. It has been clearly engaged in multiple corrupt events. Kevin Rudd's party is the labor party. It is like your democrats, and, surprise surprise, they have been linked to ELECTORAL FRAUD I have collected and published the EVIDENCE. Check it out. It makes great reading. Hence, the FRAUD is GOVERNMENT RELATED, and strongly entrenched. The Queensland Police are up to their necks in it and I have the evidence of ARMED ROBBERY [see ] by the Queensland Police. and then blatant fraud by a Queensland magistrate corruptly protecting the police guilty of that Armed Robbery .

This development involves ORGANIZED CRIME in Australia. It is all GOVERNMENT RELATED, in particular the labor party when in government, which, of late has been most often as they have practiced ELECTORAL FRAUD.

OPEN LETTER to Google: regarding your CRIME of CONSPIRCY with Australian ORGANIZED CRIME

Now, Ron, Dave, and all interested in FREEDOM & INDEPENDENCE, everywhere including the US and Australia, what can be done about this? The Australian Government is a CORRUPT REGIME. This corrupt regime has lobbied Google to assist it and GOOGLE HAS ASSISTED BY CONSPIRACY WITH A CORRUPT FOREIGN GOVERNMENT. As well, your Government and this Corrupt Australian Government of Kevin Rudd and labor, is SUPPORTING the US Government , and gaining support in return from the US. Does this mean the the US government is corrupt also? To what extent would that explain your South Dakota experience?

I will appreciate any comments on this FORUM.

CLICK on image => My Election HOMEPAGE

Russell G H Mathews BCom BSc LLB BA
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