UNMODERATED FORUMS for Townsville Australia & James Cook Uni

This is the Indian segment or STRATUM of the SELF HELP JUSTICE WebSite and Bulletin Board. Together with the Dob in a Shonk Bulletin Board - Indian Segment on the Shonks and Shysters Exposed website, and the Rate Indian Judges website, it comprises the HEART of the Global Internet Self Help JUSTICE NETWORK (Indian Stratum), where the whole conept is explained in detail together with all the links. Users can do a little at a time until they understand how it all fits together. No-one has to do it all at the one time. Users can continue to edit their postings on our sites to link them all together; all the time improving their publicity. Since much injustice and bullying arises from Shonks and Shysters targeting/attacking Disabled people, we have integrated and linked this network into the Global Disability Network - (Indian Stratum).

UNMODERATED FORUMS for Townsville Australia & James Cook Uni

Postby russellm » Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:58 am

New UNMODERATED FORUMS for Townsville NQ, Australia & James Cook University

Townsville FORUMS:

Townsville, North Queensland, Australia..
James Cook University of North Queensland, Townsville, Australia

Below the TEXT and images, are the URLs/hyperlinks to the many aspects of this topic. CLICK on any image on this page to take you to that Website.

The Global Regions & Localities FORUMS Section of the NEWS & MEDIA FORUMS Image of HaigReport Website ie Image now has a section for Townsville, North Queensland, Australia.. Another of our Bulletin Boards Image has a section for James Cook University of North Queensland, Townsville, Australia.

I am pleased to say that our websites [ View list of WEBSITES and Bulletin Boards ] have phenomenal Google Yahoo et al rankings. Hence, you will find our sites including the new TOWNSVILLE FORUMS coming at or near the top of Internet searches.

Also, please do not be too concerned that the material you post could be viewed as too defamatory, by some people, especially those about whom it is the truth, as the claim of 'DEFAMATION' is the 'REFUGE of the ROGUE'. I know a little about the law. I have an LLB. You may remember me from my time in Townsville during the 1980's as the Accountant Principal of Image

Importantly, the servers on which the websites are resident are NOT in Australia, so they are not in the Australian legal jurisdiction - but still the corrupt Detective Superintendent Brian Hay, of the Queensland Police's 'Fraud and Corporate Crime Group' [police are major fraudsters] has engaged in protecting politically motivated corruption that has existed and grown in Australia for over 34 years and tried to 'take down' my websites - UNSUCCESSFULLY. Plus he had a second attempt to silence me via

Writing an OPEN LETTER as a NEWTOPIC in one of our forums is as simple as writing an email. So, if you have a gripe with, say the Townsville City Council or with anyone else in Townsville or at JCU, I suggest you consider writing them an OPEN LETTER on these FORUMS. You can, if you wish, then send them an email advising them of the URL of your OPEN LETTER to them on our forums. However, I have found it better to not advise my target, as they will be told of it by someone else, by which time it will have been OnLine for longer and they will be more concerned. If I am writing a FORMAL COMMUNIQUE, to say a government department [of public sector parasites] I consider there is more value to my writing if more people have an opportunity to read it. Hence, I publish it. I advise them by email of the URL. That is then like am attachment to an email. Email is a perfectly legal method of communication with government. The Internet is the NEW FRONTIER.

  1. Townsville, North Queensland, Australia..
  2. James Cook University of North Queensland, Townsville, Australia
  3. Global Regions & Localities FORUMS Section
  5. Image
  6. HaigReport Website
  7. Image
  8. Townsville, North Queensland, Australia.
  9. Another of our Bulletin Boards
  10. Image
  11. James Cook University of North Queensland, Townsville, Australia.
  12. View list of WEBSITES and Bulletin Boards
  13. have phenomenal Google Yahoo et al rankings.
  14. Image
  15. the corrupt Detective Superintendent Brian Hay, of the Queensland Police's 'Fraud and Corporate Crime Group' [police are major fraudsters] has engaged in protecting politically motivated corruption that has existed and grown in Australia for over 34 years
  16. the corrupt Detective Superintendent Brian Hay, of the Queensland Police's 'Fraud and Corporate Crime Group' [police are major fraudsters] had a second attempt to silence me via Google
  17. The Internet is the NEW FRONTIER.

CLICK on image => My Election HOMEPAGE

Russell G H Mathews BCom BSc LLB BA
View list of my WEBSITES and Bulletin Boards

Email: http://HaigReport.com/eml.html
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