This is the New Zealand segment or STRATUM of the SELF HELP JUSTICE WebSite and Bulletin Board. Together with the Dob in a Shonk Bulletin Board - New Zealand Segment on the Shonks and Shysters Exposed website, and the Rate New Zealand Judges website, it comprises the HEART of the Global Internet Self Help JUSTICE NETWORK (New Zealand Stratum), where the whole conept is explained in detail together with all the links. Users can do a little at a time until they understand how it all fits together. No-one has to do it all at the one time. Users can continue to edit their postings on our sites to link them all together; all the time improving their publicity. Since much injustice and bullying arises from Shonks and Shysters targeting/attacking Disabled people, we have integrated and linked this network into the Global Disability Network - (New Zealand Stratum).
by russellm » Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:52 am
<The MEANING of FREEDOM, INDEPENDENCE & SELF HELP> by Russell G H Mathews BCom BSc LLB BA. This is a very important subject to me. As I explain on my WEBSITES and Bulletin Boards, including this one, I have, for most of my life, experienced the effects of the denial of my rights and freedom, by the DESIGN & INCOMPETENCE of others. The PHENOMENON that has arisen, called the INTERNET has given me my BEST CHANCE AT FREEDOM.
A CONVERSATION is easier to maintain than a MONOLOGUE. Hence, I invite Internet USERS to include their comments on my Bulletin Boards. I trust these are thought provoking for you. RM
- Site Admin
- Posts: 40
- Joined: Sat Aug 02, 2008 4:56 am
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